
Alex the Medical Mentor

#1 Master Coach in UCAT, Applications, & Medicine Interviews


Dear Keen Student or Supportive Parent,

▶️ It's lovely to meet you!

In an evolving world demanding agile thinking, soft skills, and impeccable integrity
– great human beings...
I am the best Mentor to guide you.
My name is Alex and I'm a Graduate of UNSW Medicine BMed (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia.
I'm a health enthusiast (aged 30+ years) who's passionate about self-improvement.
I also enjoy books, documentaries (e.g. TED Talks), and life hacks, so I guess I'm a geek too. At the time of writing, I have listened to 6000+ hours of podcast interviews.
I love learning how brilliant people think, how brilliant people communicate, and how brilliant people work.
I am the leading Master Coach in UCAT, Applications, and Medicine & Dentistry Interviews, in Australia, NZ, and UK, the FIRST and ONLY full-time Medical Mentor, with 15+ Years' Trusted, Professional university-specific expertise.
Probably the only Medical Mentor – in the world – who has dedicated the most hours teaching these subjects.
Unlike others, I do this full-time.
I help you get in Medical and Dental School.
I make you a Medical and Dental Student.


500+ Successful Mentees.
100+ 5★ Success Reviews.
Successful Medicine & Dentistry 2024 Offers: 50+!


My Happiness Mission: Help as many passionate Mentees get into Medicine and Dentistry as possible. Now more than ever, our world needs excellent Doctors and Dentists.
I am The Guy, the older brother, you go to to maximise your chances for entry into Medicine & Dentistry. If you can get past me, then it's likely you'll get a solid UCAT Score and get past your guarding Interviewers.
I offer exclusive Premium Medical Entry Services that have – time and time again – proven extraordinary success.
We get the job done.
I transform Students into confident, charismatic speakers. In my own inimitable way.
You come to me to learn how to communicate effectively for life.
You come to me
if you want to win.
If I cannot help you, I think no one can.
I work with you loyally to help make your Medical and Dental Dreams become reality.
My first UMAT [now replaced with UCAT] attempt - I failed. With resoluteness, I then studied Pharmacy for a year (GPA≈7); overcame the UMAT (99th percentile); sat many Interviews; and secured a position at UNSW Medicine. Fun times!
Since then, I've been helping Students, like you, better comprehend the process of entering Medicine & Dentistry. I have mentored:
Year 9-13 Students
Selective School Students e.g. James Ruse Agricultural, Baulkham Hills, North Sydney Boys & Girls, Hornsby Girls, Normanhurst Boys, Sydney Boys & Girls, Hurlstone Agricultural, Fort Street, Conservatorium High, Melbourne High, Suzanne Cory, Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology, and many more.
Private School Students e.g. Sydney Grammar, Cranbrook, King's, Trinity Grammar, SCECGS Redlands, Presbyterian Ladies' College, Pymble Ladies’ College, SHORE, Scots College, MLC, Meriden, Canberra Grammar School, Radford College, Ballarat Clarendon College, Mount Scopus Memorial College, Geelong Grammar, PLC (VIC), Melbourne Grammar, Camberwell Grammar School and many more.
Rural Students
Low and High-Performing Students e.g. Duxes, Students with 80-99.95 ATAR, 45 IB, UMAT and UCAT Students (99th %ile). I mentor some of the VERY BEST.
But to be my Mentee, you do NOT need to a top student who scores perfectly – I have mentored students with 80 ATAR – I just need you to show a willingness to learn and to show enthusiasm.
University Students e.g. Medical Science, Pharmacy, Optometry, IT, Accounting, Actuarial Studies, Engineering, Arts, Commerce, Law, University Medallists
Established Professionals e.g. Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Nurses, IT Professionals, Athletes, ADF personnel, Dentists (wanting Medicine!), Doctors (wanting Dentistry!)
International Students e.g. from USA, Canada, UK, NZ, China, HK, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka
Mature Age Students, Students from families of Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Hospital Directors, Professors, IT, Engineering Professionals, Large Business Owners
You name the background, I've mentored them - over 500 Successful Students.
I'm deeply grateful to have shared with my Mentees their successful journeys into Medicine & Dentistry – helping them grow, having welcomed them inside my home, and having been welcomed into theirs.
My Successful Students have gained places into Medical and Dental Schools in:
🏅 Australia - from the East's USYD, UNSW, WSU, JMP, CSU, UNDS, MQ, ANU, UoW, Monash, UniMelb, La Trobe, Deakin, UQ, Griffith, JCU, Bond, Tasmania, to the Central and West's Adelaide, Flinders, UWA, Curtin, UNDS
🏅 Overseas - from New Zealand (Uni of Otago and Auckland) to further away University of Nicosia, Cyprus!
Yes. Every. Where. I kid you not.
I know what I am doing, I deliver results.
Like yourself, I'm passionate about Health (and Life!) – I love it. The reality, though, is that it's becoming harder & harder to get into Medicine & Dentistry nowadays. Thousands of Students apply, but successful only a few hundred. With time, it will get even harder; competition is fierce. You need to realise that you're going against not only Applicants your age but also Applicants who have failed before you. Please appreciate the gravity of the situation.
My Goal is to draw out your best.
My Techniques are data-driven, evidence-based.
My Style: Empowerment.
I offer exclusive Premium Services to get you into Medicine and Dentistry.

Special Medicine Entry Presentation

If you would like more information about Medical and Dental entry in Australia and New Zealand, kindly please watch my Special Medicine Entry Presentation (2 hours 25 min):
▶️ Video
The Video description has time-stamped topics.
Recommended: watch in HD 1080p, with family.
Please note UCAT is now 184 Questions; Abstract Reasoning has been removed.

UCAT Mentoring

My Mentee's HIGHEST RECORD: 3450! (99th %ile)
Intensive UCAT MasterCourse with Medify Bundle Special
The fastest and most effective way to learn foundational UCAT skills.
Includes 42 Detailed Videos (15.5 hours)
200+ pages of Comprehensive Strategy Notes, with advanced UCAT techniques.
Medify's 20,000+ practice questions.
Intensive UCAT MasterCourse materials access lasts until August 2026. Generous.
Medify online access lasts until August, 2025/2026 (up to 24 months)
$2499 (Normally $2563, SAVE $64), or
$2369 (if joining with 2 other students also getting the MasterCourse + Medify Bundle Special; SAVE $194), or
$2199 (UCAT MasterCourse only without Medify)
👉🏻 You may ENROL in UCAT MasterCourse and/or Mock, here: Enrolment Form

Exclusive Private Weekly UCAT Group MasterClasses
Regular interactive weekly Zoom MasterClasses are highly motivating and keep you on track to success.
Schedule (Sydney time)
Weeknights or weekends, starting May.
We go through your submitted questions; Medify and other questions you struggle with and learn together.
By guiding you through tough questions, we help clear mental blocks. Saving you time.
Relieve stress.
You'll be part of our small, tight-knit UCAT Squad.
Level: Intermediate-Advanced.
Zoom – All MasterClasses will be recorded, so even if you cannot make it every week, or missed a MasterClass, you may study in your own time.
Each MasterClass is $119 or $113*
*Students who have access to the Intensive UCAT MasterCourse get 5% OFF.
🎁 Refer a Friend Discount
If you bring a friend, both you and your friend will get 10% OFF.
👉🏻 You may ENROL in Weekly Private Personalised UCAT Group MasterClass, here: Enrolment Form

Private Personalised 1-1 UCAT Mentoring
The most personalised way to train.
Guaranteed improvement.
In this exclusive Premium Service we go through specific, concerning questions and UCAT techniques to boost your UCAT performance.
As UCAT skills take time to develop and strengthen, most of my highest-performing UCAT Students do at least 10 MasterClasses.
It is totally up to you; nil obligation.
Success takes time: go ask Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, Lionel Messi, Serena Williams, and Roger Federer.
At Zoom (Online)
All MasterClasses are recorded in high-quality for you to review afterwards.
You also receive a Detailed Summary PDF of key learnings to best help you revise.
Parents and Guardians receive a Progress Update SMS.
Each class:
1 hour - $849
1.5 hours - $1229
2 hours - $1449
🎁 UCAT 1-1 Package Deals
10 x 1-hour MasterClasses (10 hr) for $8,199 (Normally $8,490; SAVE $291)
10 x 1.5-hour MasterClasses (15 hr) for $11,879 (Normally $12,290; SAVE $411)
10 x 2-hour MasterClasses (20 hr) for $14,469 (Normally $14,990; SAVE $521)
All AUD and 10% GST inclusive.
👉🏻 You may ENROL and join the waitlist for Private Personalised 1-1 UCAT Mentoring, here: Enrolment Form

Pathways Planning MasterClass

Get crystal clear on where to go. And how to get there.
If you would like, we may start with a Pathways Planning MasterClass (recommended 2.5 to 3 hours), to help you plan.
I give you a ship, map, compass, binoculars, and light to navigate sailing through the choppy medical journey sea.
​To help you secure your footing and bearings. I motivate and empower you.
Learn what you need to do now.
We explore and strategise all your eligible Medical and Dental schools options.
I'm helping many families plan now.
Same fees as Private Personalised 1-1 Medicine Interview Mentoring, from $900/hr (see below).
👉🏻 You may ENROL and join the waitlist for a Pathways Planning MasterClass, here: Enrolment Form

Application Review

Add Life to your Applications.
Let us highlight Your Best.
Let us tell Your Story.
If you're seeking a Mentor who is 2-time Winner of Medicine Scholarship Awards (John Murtagh First Wave Scholarship Program and John Flynn Placement Program) to assist you in crafting your winning Application (Undergraduate and Postgraduate), I am your man.
Let us highlight Your Best.
Let us tell Your Story.
★ Lodging University and Tertiary Admission Centre (for e.g. UAC, VTAC, QTAC, SATAC, TISC, NZ) Applications - $2099
2-hour Zoom call, we do it together – properly and completely.
Too many applicants forget to list Medicine and Dentistry courses they are eligible for, consequently missing out on Interviews and Place Offers
Uni of Melb Hansen Scholarship - $8279*
ANU Health Science or Philosophy, Tuckwell Scholarship -$5739*
UNSW Medicine (Life Experience) - $1769*
WSU Medical Admission Questionnaire (MAQ) - $2100*
JCU Dentistry (including reference letters) - $1659 (basic) / $9599*
Others, Postgraduate Portfolios - $2049+* per section. For example, UOW Medicine estimated $9269*, UNDA $10,099* - please email draft for quote
UCAS Personal Statement (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service UK) - $8829
Basic Feedback (light suggestions) - please email draft for quote
*Includes detailed suggestions, unlimited reviews until final copy.

I am very confident I can help you.
👉🏻 You may ENROL and join the waitlist for Private Personalised 1-1 Mentoring, here: Enrolment Form

Casper Test Mentoring

All my Mentees have scored the top 4th quartile.
Same fees as Private Personalised 1-1 Medicine Interview Mentoring, from $993/hr (see below).

Medicine and Dentistry Interviews Mentoring

Medicine interviewing is my forte.
Medicine and Dentistry Interview MasterCourses
The fastest and most effective way to learn foundational Medicine Interview skills.
Use these exclusive, specific, online, self-study MasterCourses to learn important theory, using real past questions.
1 MasterCourse = $2799
2 MasterCourses = $5598
3 MasterCourses = $7557 (SAVE $840; 10% off)
4 MasterCourses = $10,076 (SAVE $1120; 10% off)
These contain highly exclusive high-yield content, which I know will help you.
👉🏻 You may ENROL in my Medicine and Dentistry Interview MasterCourses, here: Enrolment Form

Private Personalised 1-1 Medicine Interview Strategy MasterClasses
The most personalised way to train.
Life-changing. Guaranteed.


I teach you my Medical Mentor Method™.

We tackle your Interview questions and concerns.
We practise, polish, perfect speaking.
We prepare using real, past questions.
We will formulate and fine-tune your felicitous anecdotes, responses, and performance.
Down to every word, every sound, every gesture. Precision.
Learn how to convey charisma, authenticity, and integrity.
Conviction, courage, and confidence.
Spark joy in your Interviewers.
Before 6PM Sydney
1 hour - $1199
2 hours - $2099
2.5 hours* - $2479
3 hours* - $2979 (SAVE up to $618)
After 6PM Sydney
1 hour - $1559
2 hours - $2729
2.5 hours* - $3219
3 hours* - $3869 (SAVE up to $808)
*Includes 15-minute break.
👉🏻 You may ENROL and join the waitlist for Private Personalised 1-1 Medicine Interview Mentoring, here: Enrolment Form

Comprehensive Mock Interviews
To finalise preparation to feel confident. Interview-ready.

We will simulate the REAL Interview using REAL Past Questions.

I ask you questions or role-play, you answer, I give you constructive feedback.
You improve and gain confidence.
2-Day Thorough Process:
We use my Remote Interviewing Software, you self-record your responses on pre-determined date.
Then in the next 24-48 hours, we have a follow-up Review MasterClass (3 hours, 1-1).
30-minute Interview ($5,999)
50-minute Interview ($10,199)
👉🏻 You may ENROL and join the waitlist for Private Personalised 1-1 Medicine Interview Mentoring, here: Enrolment Form

Bond Medicine Psychometric Test MasterCourse

The most effective way to prepare for the Bond Medicine Psychometric Test.
Exclusive access to 3 full graded specific real Bond exams, 550+ questions, solutions, statistics, with 2 bonus retakes per exam (3 attempts each exam, so 9 attempts total)
To date, ALL of my Mentees have passed.
👉🏻 You may ENROL in my Bond Medicine Psychometric Test MasterCourse, here: Enrolment Form

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

I tell the students… if they just learned to communicate better – both in writing and in person – they increase their value at least 50%.

– Warren Buffett, billionaire investor and philanthropist
I give you value. If investing a small amount in yourself may help you become a medical or dental student, a more powerful communicator, and a more charismatic person overall, then our Training could be one of the best things you ever do for yourself. We up your value.

Genuine Protege Positive Reviews (100+ 5★)

Sample 1
“Alex is not just a mentor, he has felt like a brother, friend and most importantly an inspiration to persevere and believe in oneself when situations were tough. With Alex’s guidance I was successfully able to secure interviews for both medicine at UNSW, JMP and Bond and dentistry at Griffith, Adelaide and Charles Sturt. While I have commenced studying medicine at UNSW in Kensington, I am extremely grateful to have also been accepted to all three dentistry programs. Before lessons with Alex, I really struggled to talk about myself but within my first class, I felt much more confident. I felt Alex’s compassion, genuine investment and care in my journey very early on and quickly knew that he was someone could trust to share my concerns and doubts with. Through our lessons, I was able to flesh out strong responses and even learnt to appreciate how my life experiences shaped the person I was today. Alex is truly able to bring out the best in people. I walked into my interviews feeling very confident and I owe it all to Alex for being a pillar to my success.”
Taylor, UNSW Medicine, JMP, Adelaide, CSU, Griffith Dentistry 2022 Entry

Sample 2
“Alex helps you achieve your dreams. Through his help, I was able to get offers from Adelaide Dentistry and University of Queensland Dentistry Honours. Alex knows what you need specifically (to the tee), to smash those interviews. Having someone that is experienced and knowledgeable as Alex, will ease your nervousness and allow you to shine on your big day. Personally, Alex went above and beyond. He always made himself available and was consistently one of the first to pick me up and motivate me after my setbacks. This is something you won't get from the big corporate tutoring institutions. My advice to anyone seeking to get help from Alex is: Don't. Waste. Him. Both his and your time are precious. Especially between those mere few weeks you have between interview invitations and the real thing. Come prepared and come willing to absorb everything. Plan your practice. He believes in you and through that, perhaps you'll learn to believe in yourself more.”
Natalie, University of Queensland, Adelaide, Griffith Dentistry, JMP 2022 Entry
A lot, lot more love here: 5★ Reviews
Join me and the hundreds of successful Mentees before you.
Join the Family.
I got your back.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your trust.
If you care about your loved ones’ success, do kindly please share this with them.
I look forward to meeting you soon :)
My dear younger brother, sister, let’s do all in our power to get you into Medicine and Dentistry!
To reserve time and join the waitlist, email and SMS me now.
Warmly with love ♡
Alex the Medical Mentor

▶️ Good Luck!